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Devotional – Week of 04/28/24

“Who’s a scaredy-cat?”

by Sharie O’Connell

Does anyone remember spending the night with school friends? My friends and I would stay over Saturday nights having so much fun watching movies, playing games, annoying siblings, and enjoying each others company. I would go to church with their families on Sunday mornings and head home shortly afterwards.

Weddings, funerals, and those Sundays, were basically my only introduction to church. My school friend Laurie’s church was joyfully outgoing, but speaking in tongue was confusing to me. Some churches  I’ve attended  were frosty, distant, aloof, and at times unpleasant to kids.  These experiences were off-putting and left a negative impression about religion.

Much later in life I felt something missing within myself. I had a spouse, child, friends, home, job, loving family, yet not completely fulfilled. Perhaps, St. Paul was calling me as I drove past it every day to work. But I am a scaredy-cat. What if I visited and it was like other churches? The soul is a very tender spirit. Take no chances!!

Well, my cousin Kevin at times attended St. Paul. He invited me one Sunday and I met Pastor Charles Brown. Pastor Brown was wonderful and engaging. The congregation was friendly, and welcoming. Karen Strickland had come to my home with homemade cookies. She talked about St. Paul and never pushy. She was kind, sweet, and understanding. All these people were instrumental to not be a scaredy-cat and take a chance.

St. Paul UCC shared my opinion of justice, equality, and love for ALL people. There was a sense of coming home… soul restoration. Of course, Pastor Brown hurried to ensure I was baptized before he retired😊

And that my friends was the beginning of knowing our God.




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