St. Paul Newsletters

📢Our weekly #Newsletter is Out! Don’t miss out on the latest updates, events, exciting news and exclusive devotional prayers at St. Paul United Church of Christ of Corpus Christi! Click the link below 👇 to dive in and catch up on all the exciting activities happening at “The Everybody Church”.

APRIL 2024:

Newsletter 4/7/24 Newsletter 4/14/24 Newsletter 4/21/24 Newsletter 4/28/24


MAY 2024:
Newsletter 5/5/24  Newsletter 5/12/24  Newsletter 5/19/24  Newsletter 5/26/24

🚨 Aren't receiving the St. Paul UCC #newsletter yet? Sign up below:

Sign Up!

📢Have an update to share in the St. Paul United Church of Christ of Corpus Christi weekly Newsletter?
Please email: by no later than Wednesday at 8:00PM each week. Please note: the St. Paul weekly Newsletter will be shared on Thursday each week.

🚨Please ensure that your email includes [NEWSLETTER] in the subject line along with the Ministry it is related to, dates, times, brief description, and any image updates that are being requested.
Example of Subject Line:
Subject: NEWSLETTER: Youth Ministry


St. Paul in the News

Kris 6 News Article - LGBTQ teens start a youth group at St. Paul Church

St. Paul's very own Kat Dutton & Saul Franco were interviewed by Corpus Christi Kris 6 News, Tyrese Boone. Their interview was aired on the 10 o'clock news, and an article was posted and shared on social media as well.

We are incredibly proud of our youth at St. Paul as they continue to share the love of God with others and create spaces for all of God's children to be seen, safe, loved and celebrated. We are blessed to continue to provide a safe space for all youth to be exactly who God has created them to be. We are #theeverbodychurch and will continue to share the gift of extravagant welcome as Christ has taught us to.

Kris6 News Article click here! Kris 6 News

Call to Action!

We are asking that if you have a Facebook account, you take time to visit the KRIS6 News Facebook post and like, leave a positive comment, and share the article. Please show Kat, Saul, & the Corpus Christi community the type of love and support we have for Youth at St. Paul.

Facebook Story click here! FB Post